Engineering and Technical Services
With its professionals and trained human resources, Mapna-Franco Tosi Meccanica aims to be a leading organization in the provision of numerous engineering services in electric power industry. The company is ready to provide engineering and technical services in various professional domains of the electric power industry, some of the are as below:
Our services - Engineering and Technical Services
Plant Simulators, Plant Management
We help you to manage your plant especially with the use of our professional simulators we have developed in this regards.
Engineering Analysis
A major element of any services provided by… is an established technical supportive team conducting specific engineering analysis where ever required. It ranges from static to dynamic and structural to thermal analysis.
Reverse Engineering
Several occasions might arise during repair work no data available. In such cases, reverse engineering would be a powerful tool to help attack the problem. We can readily prepare 3D models, perform analysis an remanufacture the damaged components.
Supporting Operations, Monitoring, Training
We support you in handling the main operations of your plants and hold customized training programs based on your needs.
Components’ Life Assessment
When end of the design life of components reaches, a major step to find out how to treat them is to perform remaining life assessment. This service is provided by TUGA-FrancoTosiMeccanic for whole parts subjected to limited life.
Fact Finding Services
Turbines or compressor might go through failures on several occasions over their life time and in each case a root cause analysis appears crucially important. Without that, the same problem maybe arises again. This is the point we can aid you by our expert team to handle a perfect fact finding and prevent the occurrence of similar difficulties